A new survey indicates that an overwhelming majority of Danes would like to see more non-Danish residents who have committed crimes expelled from the country, reported public broadcaster DR.
The poll, taken by internet newspaper Altinget, found that 86.6 percent of those questioned were in favour of law changes making it easier to deport criminal foreigners.
Opposition party Social Democrats believe the poll indicates how fed up citizens are with the numerous gangs of young Arab, Pakistani and eastern European immigrants who routinely commit acts of vandalism and assault.
'People are saying that if foreigners are coming here to commit crimes then they should be sent home, and I understand that,' said Karen Hækkerup, the party's spokesperson for legal affairs.
The law allowing for the expulsion of non-Danish residents for criminal acts was passed by a broad majority of parliament in 1997. The laws were stiffened in 2006, including the establishment of the 'yellow card', which is basically a final warning given to a foreign criminal indicating their next crime will lead to deportation.
And the prospect of reinforcing the current deportation laws is what Peter Skaarup, chairman of parliament's legal committee, wants to have looked into as soon as possible by the Integration Ministry.
'It's well-known that the Danish People's Party has always argued that the expulsion penalty should be used,' said Skaarup.
Skaarup added that he would like to see the law ensure that those deported could not return after a certain number of years, as is currently the case.